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Scientists of Mining University won the Government Prize

A group of scientists of the Mining University, headed by the chair of drilling doctor of technical sciences Nikolay Vasiliev was awarded the prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology in 2015.
Award winner in 2015 was the 125 applicants for work in the fields of energy, science, exploration and production of mineral resources, materials science, medicine, seed industry, shipbuilding, mechanical engineering, space and the ecology. Experts of the Mining University have received such a high award for the development of the theoretical foundations of eco-friendly technologies and means of drilling, as well as their implementation in a glacier in Antarctica to determine the patterns of change in the Earth's biosphere and paleoclimate.
Apart from Nikolay Vasiliev into the writing team entered three other employees of the National the Mineral Resources University: Ph.D., Associate Professor Andrey Dmitriev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Eduard Zagrivny, Ph.D., senior engineer Georgy Solovyov.
Representatives FGBU "Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute": Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, deputy director Alexander Danilov, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Head of Laboratory Vladimir Lipenkov, Deputy Director Valery Lukin, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, chief researcher Leo Savatugin are also among the winners.
The observation of the Earth's paleoclimate and unique subglacial Lake Vostok is a priority of Russian research in Antarctica. The cores of ancient ice, extracted with the core drilling of deep wells in today's ice sheets contain all the information on temperature fluctuations and atmospheric pressure, changes its windscreen and the circulation mode, as well as variations in gas and chemical composition of the atmosphere on timescales of tens to hundreds of thousands of years. Microbiological and molecular biological studies of ice cores allow us to trace the evolution of the microbial diversity in the layers of ice strata, which were formed at different times of the climate history of the Earth.
The main sources of data on the structure of the ice sheet and the subglacial Lake parameters were obtained by drilling ice cores. Investigations of these cores have shown that up to a depth of 3539 meters of ice sheet ice of atmospheric origin is complex and deeper than that level and up to the contact with the glacier water of the lake at a depth of 3769.3 m. - Congelation (lake) ice formed from water subglacial reservoir.
Unique drilling rigs and ancillary equipment station "Vostok" was created precisely at the Mining University. Throughout the years of its use of the university scientists led by the drilling process, the technical condition of monitored units, working on innovations in this field. According to estimates the world's leading experts in the field glyatseologii and geophysics, "opening the subglacial lake is an event comparable to the human space flight."
