Network center
of common use (NCCU)

The government of St. Petersburg
Committee for Science and Higher Education

Number of instrum. units: 1165
Number of companies: 269

Сетевой центр коллективного пользования (СЦКП)


III National Annual Exhibition-Forum VUZPROMEKSPO 2015 will take place  on 2 - 4 December 2015 in Moscow, in Technopolis "Moscow".
 VUZPROMEKSPO-2015 shows various achievements and confirms the high level of innovative potential of the domestic production.

VUZPROMEKSPO-2015 gathers together developers, manufacturers and consumers of domestic innovations and technologies.
During the 2-year existence the exhibition VUZPROMEKSPO achieved a completely new level: it was attended by about 200 universities and 160 companies that demonstrated their innovations in areas such as engineering, information and telecommunication systems, transport and space systems, nanosystems and materials, medicine and pharmaceuticals  industry.
The exhibition was attended by over 6,000 representatives of federal and regional authorities, leading Russian universities and research organizations, private and public corporations, investors, managers of small innovative companies, clusters, engineering centers, industrial parks. More than 1,000 undergraduate and graduate students, young professionals took part in the youth program of the exhibition.
In 2015, Russian scientific organizations and institutions invited to participate in the exhibition in order to demonstrate the wide range of achievements of the university and academic science.
VUZPROMEKSPO-2015 organizers - the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Russian / Official site offline
